The transformative power of journalling

I am a huge fan of journalling. A journalling session of any length always results in more clarity and calm, and relives stress and anxiety. In a noisy world where our brains can get so cluttered, the act of just getting things out on paper can be so transformative, helping to clear the mind leading to an almost immediate increase in wellbeing. This act of introspection also helps to put things into perspective, organise ideas and help with making decisions. Think of it like a brain dump.


 What is journalling?

Simply put, it’s the act of looking inward and writing down everything that is in your mind at that moment in time. This may be your thoughts, feelings or experiences. It should be a private practice where you can feel completely free of fear of judgment. The medium you choose to journal on is very personal, it could be in a beautiful notebook, in a password protected computer document, or in a journal app. Whatever works for you. If you chose to do this on a device, ensure that you won’t be disturbed by notifications during this time.


How do I journal?

Just write! Just start off with five minutes each morning or evening. You may like to build this up to 10 or 15 over time. You could start off just writing about what you have to do that day, how you want to feel, things that may have been bothering you, or brainstorming future goals. It’s your space to pour out what’s in your mind. The most important thing is that you don’t have any filter.  

By organising your thoughts on paper, it helps to gain perspective on challenges and find solutions that may have been elusive in the midst of emotional turbulence. Whether it's jotting down a to-do list or dissecting complex emotions, the act of writing helps unravel knots in the mind.

Journalling can also be a great way to unleash creativity by the consistent practice of having an open mind through free expression and uninhibited exploration. Think of it as a blank canvas for your imagination to run wild and ideas to flourish.

Journalling is a true form of self-care, nurturing both mental and emotional well-being and offering a safe space to navigate life’s twists and turns.  So, pick up a pen, open a blank page, and have a go. I always feel lighter, more positive and have more clarity after journaling and who doesn’t want to feel like that!



Nutrient profile: Magnesium