About Francesca

I am a BSc-qualified nutritionist with a passion for all things health and wellness.

My interest in nutrition started when I had my children. Not only did I want to give them the best start nutritionally, but also my reading on the subject had uncovered so many conflicting ideas resulting in confusion, so I decided to study nutrition to make sense of it all.

I qualified to practice in 2016 and it has since been my passion to share this knowledge with others to achieve their optimum wellness. What we put in our bodies really is so important and the power of good nutrition is simply incredible.

Before nutrition, I worked in the corporate sector for almost ten years, where I experienced first-hand the challenges that many people face in balancing heavy work demands with a healthy lifestyle, so I like to make my guidance as realistic yet effective as possible..

I want to get you on the path to feeling your best now and looking forward to a healthy future ahead.


  • BSc (hons) Nutritonal Science

  • Diploma in Naturopathic Medicine (DipNT)

  • Level 3 Pilates Instructor